An Eleven-Story-Tall Tree Hugger Sprouts on the Side of a Building in Chile

Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giogino, or Millo (previously here and here), has painted his latest sky-high mural in the heart of Chile. Never Give Up, created in his signature cartoonish style, features a female figure in the forefront clutching the trunk of a tree. The city behind the girl is black and white, causing the eyes to focus most clearly on a single green vine growing from the heart-shaped stump. The work, which aims to express the hope that Millo believes all hold in their hearts, was produced for Hecho En Casa festival this past month. You can see more of his nature-based and murals on his website, and on Facebook.


Image provided by Fotosaereas


Image provided by Fotosaereas


Image provided by Hecho en Casa


Image provided by Fernanda Landin


Image provided by Fernanda Landin


Image provided by Hecho en Casa


Image provided by Hecho en Casa

By Katie Sierzputowski via